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Native Plants

Native plants are a great addition to any garden. They produce flowers, fruits, and seeds throughout the year that can create a beautiful, natural look and attract wildlife such as birds, butterflies and other pollinators to your yard.

Please click on the plant names for more information.

Aster - Shining

Aster - Shining

Flowers from August to October

with clusters of pale blue


Beard Tongue - Foxglove

Beard Tongue - Foxglove

The white to pink tubular sharped blooms attract long-tongued bees and humming birds. Deep green leaves on upright stems hold aloft the showy flower panicles.

Birch, Sweet

Birch, Sweet

Aromatic tree with a rounded crown of spreading branches and odor of wintergreen in crushed twigs and leaves. Brownish black, cherry like scaly bark and reddish brown leaf stems. Golden yellow fall colour.  Also known as Cherry Birch and Black Birch, the fermented sap can be used to make birch beer. Native to Ontario.

Blue Ash

Blue Ash

Unique for its 4 sided twigs and loose, scaly maturing bark. Rare species of ash tree. 

Butterfly Weed

Butterfly Weed

Bright orange fragrant flower clusters attract Monarch butterflies, which depend on this plant for their total food supply.

Carolina Allspice

Carolina Allspice

Unusual shrub with distinct small reddish-brown Magnolia like flowers in May. Flowers are highly aromatic and smell llike chocolate.

Cedar - White

Cedar - White

Native white cedar often called hedging or swamp cedar, although prefers dry sites! Makes an excellent hedging plant that holds its colour well through winter and tolerates shearing well.

Columbine - Eastern Red

Columbine - Eastern Red

Nodding, red and yellow flowers with upward spurred petals alternating with spreading, colored sepals and numerous yellow stamens hanging below the petals. 

Dogwood, Flowering

Dogwood, Flowering

Beautiful small native tree covered with showy white flower bracts in May. Develops full broadly rounded crowns and likes fertile moderately dry soils. Usually found growing naturally along the edges of forests where it receives full sun to light shade.

Fir - Balsam

Fir - Balsam

Symmetrical spire-like crown, shining dark green color, and spicy fragrance have make it a favorite for Christmas trees.

Aster - White Heath

Aster - White Heath

A bushy, grayish, perennial with densely clustered, miniature, daisy-like, white flowers.

Bee Balm - Wild Bergamot

Bee Balm - Wild Bergamot

Masses of fragrant lilac-purple tubular flowers borne in dense globular heads from mid summer to early fall

Black Gum

Black Gum

Forest green, glossy, pointy leaves turn an outstanding crimson in the fall. Furrowed black bark adds an interesting dimension to the landscape. One of the most spectacular and reliable fall coloring trees, turning brilliant shades of red and orange, and a very neat, pyramidal habit of growth. Native to Ontario.

Blue Bells - Virginia

Blue Bells - Virginia

Sapphire blue flowers on tall stems that gleam from shady spots in April and May, making them an ideal underplanting for shrubs and trees. 

Butterfly Weed - Swamp

Butterfly Weed - Swamp

Beautiful clusters of mauve-pink flowers that smell like vanilla. Swamp milkweeds are choice nectar plants for numerous butterfly species, especially the Monarch which depends on ascelpias for their total food supply.

Catalpa, Northern

Catalpa, Northern

Dark green heart shaped leaves are accompanied by distinct white blooms featuring yellow stripes and purple spots inside. Flowers in late Spring with narrow fruit pods ripening in Fall.

Chokeberry, Black

Chokeberry, Black

Clusters of small white flowers in May followed by purple black berries that are retained throughout the winter. Berries are edible and are extremely high in antioxidants. Native to Ontario & Quebec.

Culver's Root

Culver's Root

Dense, slender, 9" long spikes of tiny, tube-like, white to pale blue flowers open from the top down in late spring to early summer atop strong, upright stems.

Dogwood, Grey

Dogwood, Grey

White clustered flowers in spring are followed by white berries. The grey green foliage ages to burgundy in fall, providing a nice contrast to the grey bark.

Flag, Blue

Flag, Blue

Clump forming iris that is native to marshes, swamps, wet meadows, ditches and shorelines from Manitoba to Nova Scotia. Blue Flag Iris has masses of beautiful blue flag-like

flowers with yellow falls  at the ends of the stems in mid spring

Baneberry - White

Baneberry - White

The branched stems bear two or three large compound leaves, each thrice divided.

Birch, Paper

Birch, Paper

Features chalk white peeling bark and golden fall colour; a great accent tree, and one of the best for winter value. On young trees, bark is reddish brown but turns to its characteristic white colour as the tree gets older. 

Bladdernut - American

Bladdernut - American

White, bell-shaped flowers in drooping clusters appear in spring. Flowers give way to inflated, bladder-like, eggshaped,

papery seed capsules.

Blueberry - Wild

Blueberry - Wild

Short in stature, and spreads by underground stems. A mature planting can form a dense ground cover. Leaves are glossy blue-green in summer, turning purple in the fall. The sweet, small dark blue berries are used in preserves and pies and are high in antioxidants.

Butterfly Weed - Whorled

Butterfly Weed - Whorled

Upright, unbranched perennial that rambles to form colonies. Needlelike, fine textured foliage is whorled around the stem in clusters. Greenish white flowers in summer.

Cedar - Eastern Red

Cedar - Eastern Red

Pyramidal in form. Brown bark exfoliates in strips adding interest to the landscape. Makes an excellent windbreak and is easily sheared. Extremely tough juniper that grows well in rocky dry areas. Native to Ontario & Quebec.

Cinnamon Fern

Cinnamon Fern

Brilliant lacy green fronds gracefully arch outward in stately vaseshaped clumps. In early summer narrow fronds emerge as vertical cinnamon red brown spikes in the centre of the clump. Fronds turn a beautiful apricot-peach colour in fall. Native to Ontario.

Dogwood - Pagoda

Dogwood - Pagoda

Beautiful small native tree covered with fragrant showy white flowers in the spring



Hardy, rapid growing shrub with clusters of white flowers in spring followed by purple-black fruits. These fruits are excellent for making pies, jam and wine. Native to Ontario.

Foam Flower - Heart Leaf

Foam Flower - Heart Leaf

Tiny white to pinkish-white flower spikes in May & June. One of the best native plants for the shade garden.

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