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Clematis add a lovely vertical dimension to any landscape and can be easily grown fences, arbors or trellises. They also make an interesting groundcover.

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Large 6-8 inch showy blooms of rosy pink with white bars and stamens. Highly fragrant. Blooms from May to une on old wood and again in August to September on new wood.

Blue Light

Blue Light

Blue Light Clematis has large, violet-blue to pale blue double blooms.



Produces a profusion of striking, raspberry-pink flowers, 6-8 inches across, adorned with 6-8 slightly recurved tepals, each carrying an intense pink central stripe.

Daniel Deronda

Daniel Deronda

Spectacular 7-9 inch deep purple-blue semi-double blooms in May & June followed by single blossoms in September.

Emilia Plater

Emilia Plater

Striking violet blue 4-6 inch slightly nodding flowers from June through August

Hagley Hybrid

Hagley Hybrid

Shell pink with ruffled edges large 7" blooms in early June and then again in September with 4-6” flowers.

I Am Lady Q

I Am Lady Q

Mid-green foliage that beautifully

complements its plentiful small,

nodding bell-shaped flowers,

approximately 6cm (2 in) across.

Delicately dappled in white with a

charming mid-pink margin and intricate


Julia Correvon

Julia Correvon

Deep wine-red 4 inch flowers with twisted petals from June to September. Very free flowering clematis.

Mary Rose

Mary Rose

Nodding, dusky purple flowers, which appear over a prolonged period from midsummer on

Multi Blue

Multi Blue

Large double blue flowers have navy blue outer flower petals, topped with many lawyers of shorter, pointed, purplish reddish petals

Barbara Jackman

Barbara Jackman

Masses of large mauve-blue flowers with striking crimson bars to their petals. Prominent central anthers of palest creamy yellow. Blooms right through late spring & early summer.

CW Dowman

CW Dowman

Lavender pink with darker bar and golden stamens. 4-6 inch flowers from June till September.

Comtesse de Bouchard

Comtesse de Bouchard

One of the most popular clematis ever grown, Comtesse de Bouchaud features 4-6”pink flowers from June to September

Edo Murasaki

Edo Murasaki

Deep violet with dark tipped white stamens. The 6-8 inch flowers bloom in May, June and quite often in September.

Fair Rosamund

Fair Rosamund

4-6 inch bluish white with red bar and purple stamens. One of the few large flowering hybrids with a fragrance.

Haku Okan

Haku Okan

Very free flowering selection with huge double blue flowers in

spring and then single flowers later into the season. Creamy 

white centres create a striking effect, blooms freely for most of

the summer.

Joan Picton

Joan Picton

A free flowering variety with glowing

lilac, 4-6" blooms from June to


Kilian Donahue

Kilian Donahue

Truly dramatic with flowers ranging from shades of deep ruby red to brilliant fuschia and lavender with orchidpink highlights.

Mongolian Bells Bush Clematis

Mongolian Bells Bush Clematis

Large, nodding, bell-shaped flowers in shades of creamy white, lavender, purple or blue. Compact, non-twining clematis.

Nelly Moser

Nelly Moser

Stunning combination of light pink petals with lavender bars. Blooms on both new and old wood.

Blue Boy

Blue Boy

Good steel blue with slightly nodding 4-5” flowers. Blooms from June to September. The non clinging stems are most attractive if grown through a small shrub, or attached to a support.

Capitaine Thuillaux

Capitaine Thuillaux

Strawberry-pink bars on a creamy background make this clematis a must have for the garden.

Countess of Lovelace

Countess of Lovelace

Gorgeous bluish-purple double blooms in Mya & June followed by single blooms in late summer.

Elsa Spaeth

Elsa Spaeth

Abundance of large flowers that range from nearly true blue to pastel blue with vibrant mauve accents. Free flowering compact growing clematis.

Gillian Blades

Gillian Blades

Exquisite white blooms with frilled edges against a yellow stamen.

I Am Happy

I Am Happy

Heavily veined flowers in tones of deep rose and white. You won't be able to help feeling happy, too, when this abundant summer flowering clematis is in bloom.

John Paul II

John Paul II

4-6" creamy white blooms with pink trails and reddish stamens. Flowers mature to pure white in June, July and August. Flowers on both new and old wood.

Lincoln Star

Lincoln Star

Bright 6-8 inch raspberry pink with paler margins in May, June & September. Clematis are among the most showy of all the vines. The roots like to be kept cool so cover them with mulch or a ground cover.

Mrs. N Thompson

Mrs. N Thompson

Deep violet-purple sepals with a bright red bar. The 4-6″ blooms are produced on a compact 6-9′ plant in May, June and September.



Very dark ruby red open 4-6 inch flowers with yellow stamens on compact plants from June till September. Blooms on new and old growth.

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